Colorado Springs MLBA Chapter
The Colorado Springs Chapter would like to share a few submissions we received when we asked “What Does MLBA Mean To You?”
–“It basically means Alorica does more for people than another other company I’ve ever worked for.”
–“Making my life better at Alorica,
By keeping positive attitudes, filling tummies and make sure we are all happy and taken care of. ”
–“A company that goes out of its way to make lives better for employees that run in to hard times. A thing not found in most companies today.”
–“MLBA means to me a way to help people as well as well as also improving the moral (sic) of everyone here.”
–“To me, MLBA means making a difference when it matters. It’s a huge part of why I personally came to work at Alorica and one of the many ways I see our company reaching out to change people’s lives. I think that working for a company that is able to recognize its own areas for improvement and taking steps to help change those is huge and I am really happy to be a part of that :).”
–“What does MLBA mean to me: MLBA means that I can sleep a little better at night knowing that not only me, but the people on my left and on my right, have a little bit of security. So when life gets rough the company that we put our time and energy into has out back when we REALLY need it.”