
Life certainly has it’s unexpected twists and turns. I was being evicted from my residence on the 22nd of the month (Yeah, I know!), and it’s like impossible to rent an apartment on a specific day like that, plus in this city it is a landlord’s market for sure, and apartments are hard to come by. I found an apartment to rent on the first of the month, prior to my eviction, but having already paid for my current residence, I did not have the funds to secure the new apartment. Thanks to the amazing MLBA program, and their generosity and concern for my well-being, I was able to use their financial assistance to pay for my new apartment, thus ensuring that on the 22nd I would have a place to live. This has truly been not only a blessing for which I am forever grateful, this has really opened my eyes on how important it is to work for a company that cares about its employees. Thank you so very much wonderful MLBA program, you truly were there for me when I needed you most.
