7 months ago i left a domestic violence relationship and moved away with my children nobody knows the real reason but me well i decided things where not so great there either and decided to move back home not knowing where i would go where me and my kids would leave or what we would eat but i knew it would be the best thing to do a week after coming back to Sherman i started at Alorica and its been nothing but great positive vibes and fun loving people then i became homeless jumping from place to place which wasn’t healthy for my children so i sent them off with family until i could get a stable place for them to call home and Sherman MLBA is who i have to thank for that without them i would be without my kids jumping from place to place i’m grateful for the things they do and thank you would never be enough to show them how grateful i am i literally left work that day and cried tears of joy forever grateful for this opportunity and the opportunity to also work with the people who are Making Lives Better thank you!!!