Alyssa Rodriguez
So God has been blessing myself and my little family in unimaginable ways lately. Just a quick little story… I [am] a single mom and my 1 year old son’s dad currently in a Rehabilitation center have been living happily, healthily, soberly, and on a Godly path. Is the path easy? No. But honestly nothing in life is meant to be easy- easy means no growth, no lessons learned. If life was easy we wouldn’t cry out to God in the most desperate of moments. I’ve come to learn that in the dark, rough, questionable times we have to learn to let go. The way I think of it is putting a blind fold on and fully submitting your faith in God’s will for your life. Another thing I’ve learned is to be humble yourself and admit your troubles rather then wallow in the self pitty – make your struggles be known, you never know who will grab your hand and lift you up if you never reach out for someone to do so. I recently attempted to “Quit” my job being that I was driving 100+ miles a day and a whole check went to gas. After praying and praying I text my boss my situation and that it wasn’t going to work out for me. The reply was well… God sent. My job runs a charity within the corporation that helps it’s employees out. My boss had me apply and I was approved not only for help but got the full deposit and first month’s rent paid for through Making Lives Better Alorica (MLBA). As of Friday I am now living in my own 2 bedroom apartment near bout only 6 min away from my work. Babysitting offers have been given I still just need to figure out what way to go about it. My new schedule that I just received works out perfectly factoring in my school schedule- which is also only 15 min away from my new home. Nothing could be better as of right now. My life is proof that hard work, faith, and fully submitting and surrendering your life to God and letting him take control of your life does result in blessings far more then what you can ask, imagine, or think of. I would\’ve never known a year ago today that I would be in the shoes I’m in now. The upmost praise goes to God and a huge Thanks to Alorica. Thank you for everything. This corporation has been such a blessing in my life and for that I am the most grateful person on Earth right now. I just want everyone that is going down a path of restoration to stay positive and stay focused, don’t let the rough patches dull your shine. Continue to be a blessing to others even when it seems “nothing is going the right way.” God sees it all. He sees the hard work. He sees the lonely nights. The tears you’ve shed just because you want your family to be happy and simply comfortable but you can’t make it happen. He will provide. Nothing is overlooked by God. That light at the end of the tunnel isn’t as far away as you think. Just keep chugging along. Blessings are to come as long as you instill that faith in your higher power. Let go, and let God. Amen. Thank you – from me and my son- MLBA for being that light in a dark time.