Charities and Organizations Helping to Fight COVID-19
April 9, 2020
Learn more about the charities and organizations MLBA is supporting to fight COVID-19 which we highlight on our social pages.
Health care providers are struggling to protect themselves as they bravely help others fight the COVID-19. With a shortage of much needed masks, we are asking our community to please check out to find out how you can help by making fabric masks at home. As the healthcare community continues to support us, let’s take care of them too. is connecting the needs of the healthcare community with the talents of those who sew.
With the shortage of protective masks facing the entire world, fabric masks are a CDC crisis response last resort option. Their website connects healthcare organizations who are versed in the potential use of fabric masks in their environment with volunteer sewists who are sewing masks using their own machine and supplies. Our goal is to provide a resource to the medical community, as well as answer the desire from sewists willing to use their skills. In a time of fear and uncertainty, the desire to help is the thread of hope that holds us together. This project was developed independently by the Sewing & Craft Alliance.
April 2, 2020
We’re in this together….virtually! Are you looking for volunteer opportunities to do at home? Check out Catchafire! You can volunteer virtually on projects with a nonprofit in need of assistance virtually during the #coronavirus. Check out the link below so you can find out how you can help!

April 4, 2020
With thousands of blood drives across the US cancelled, the Red Cross needs you. As hospitals continue to be filled during the #COVID19 pandemic, more people are in need of blood, and your donation can potentially save up to 3 lives! The Red Cross is also implementing proper procedures and protocol to ensure that they are following CDC and social distancing recommendations during the donation process. Please visit their website to find out how you can donate:

April 9, 2020
As businesses and schools continue to close, many people are facing economic instability and turn to organizations across the nation like Second Harvest Food Bank for help. Our local Second Harvest Food Bank in Irvine, has been working tirelessly to host food distributions for those in need during the #coronavirus pandemic. Their efforts include a drive-through food distribution every Saturday from 9AM-12PM in Anaheim and their recently launched Harvest Truck Brigade, which delivers food daily to families and seniors. The number of requests are continuing to climb and food banks are doing everything they can to help, but they can’t do it alone. So let’s do this together by donating to your local food bank today. Find your local Second Harvest food bank:

April 16, 2020
In this time of social distancing, many seniors are in need of assistance since it can be very hard and potentially detrimental for them to leave their homes. Luckily there are many organizations that will deliver meals to seniors for free, such as Meals on Wheels and City Meals. Find meal delivery services for seniors in your area and see how you can help support during this time at:

April 23, 2020
As healthcare workers battle #covid19 from the frontlines, there’s still so much we can do for them…even from home! The need for personal protective equipment (PPE) continues to rise and Donate PPE connects those who are able to donate to hospitals and medical facilities in need. To see how you can help locally, please visit:

April 30, 2020
Small businesses and healthcare workers need our help now more than ever, so how about helping both at the same time?! Frontline Foods is working to help local restaurants who have been impacted by shelter-in-place orders, while supporting those battling the #COVID19 pandemic on the frontlines. Using community donations, Frontline Foods and their nonprofit partner, World Central Kitchen, purchase meals from local restaurants to feed #healthcareheroes responding to COVID-19. To find out more about how you can help, please visit:

May 8, 2020
It never hurts to add a little more brightness and optimism in our lives, which we can do even from home and in our neighborhoods! ✨ That’s why we joined the #chalkyourwalk challenge! Use the sidewalk as your canvas by creating art, writing a kind message, or even thanking those who deliver food and packages to your doorstep so you don’t have to go out! 🌈Next time you go for your daily walk, don’t forget to bring your chalk! 🎨 We’d love to see you post your #chalkyourwalk, tag @mlbalorica and #chalkyourwalk so that we can check it out! 💙

May 14, 2020
We get it—quarantine isn’t easy, especially with kids at home! So spend quality time with your kiddos through Team Kids, an organization empowering youth to be passionate entrepreneurs and philanthropists through monthly challenges. One of them is having your child help you complete your least favorite chore and Team Kids will donate $1 to a local food pantry each time. All you have to do is send a picture or video of your child completing the task to! For more information on Team Kids, and to find out how you can help, check them out at: #MLBAlorica #kindness #giveback#teamkids